I am starting to get swamped by homework for grad school and haven’t had time to come up with and develop a new blog post this week so I thought I would shamelessly self-promote my shop so I don’t add to my stress and anxiety with more work. One day, I really want to do a behind the scenes of my process of creating a pattern from start to finish, but right now please enjoy some recycled pictures from my shop. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have already seen these images, but for those who only follow the blog here are some new patterns and designs in my shop.
If you actually scrolled to the bottom of this blatant advertisement, I want to thank everyone who engages with me on my blog, Instagram, shop etc. I went back to school to pursue a degree in a field that I am mildly amused about because it is the safe thing to do. When it comes to Surface Pattern Design, I often feel like I am not talented enough and will never be talented enough so every comment, like, share, or sale on my blog/shop means the world to me as it lets me know that my dreams are possible.
I want to end this post with a question: What is your dream job and are you in your dream job now?