Winter is almost approaching so I thought I would show you how to make a simple festive snowflake pattern. This pattern utilizes Illustrators pattern tool so you don't have to know a lot of the technical stuff to make this

  Occasionally, when you are designing something you might want to curve your design on a sphere to give it more dimension. For example, if you are creating any sort of ball you can create the pattern of the ball and

  When you make patterns, you often may want to fill the pattern with small filler elements that repeat all over the pattern. Instead of drawing out different variations of that filler pattern, it's a lot easier to make one version

    Today I thought I would show you a quick and easy way to give dimension to your type. I have been seeing many designs where the graphic designer has used a slanted square technique in their type and we are

    I have been seeing a lot of patterns with the same type of broken brush design and I wanted to create my own. I started creating a similar brush to the ones I have been seeing everywhere and realized that

This is Kelcie Makes Patterns, a website that helps beginning designers level up their design skills using Adobe Illustrator. Use this page to search for specific blog posts on the site.